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Divorce & Remarriage

First, Divorce. Well, I hop that would have to be a last resort but in this post let's talk about this before remarriage.

Since marriage is the main and starting part of a family, in which we know is essential to our Heavenly Father’s plan, divorce can impact so much. This literature review will cover research on predictors on divorce, the effects on children, and current and past divorce rates for the most part.

Divorce has effects on the development of children by creating such a horrible problem where innocent children are often put in the middle of. This leads to behavioral issues at home and at school because of the likely improper dynamic of the family where the child is growing up. It wasn’t like this in the 20th century as much, but now in the 21st it has increased dramatically, and it shows that children that have gone through a divorce of their parents needs extra love, guidance, and support in all aspects of their life. No matter the situation and reason for the divorce, research shows that stress is increased in children do to not having as much contact with one of their parents. When the children are young enough to not understand the whole of the situation even if it is bad, they want to continue contact with both parents and not just one. Not all of the children will show their stress the same, so it is important for the parents to know the signs of stress so they can then help the children cope.

Unfortunately, my husband's dad passed away while he was on his mission and since then, my mother in law has remarried. In class we talked about how with remarriage there can be competing roles, it challenges children behavior and can cause behavior issues. When there is behavior issues with children, it can cause a wedge between the remarried couple because that first parent child bond was there first and is stronger even though it is in a different way. In my in laws case, her remarriage is due to becoming a widow, but her new husband is divorced. Just because someone is divorced means that they are a failure, but if there is a background of failure, it can effect the new marriage. There is also a higher divorce rate for remarried couples. I do believe that knowledge is power and if we learn and are aware, it can help is in these situations. If we have a close relationship with our Heavenly Father then it will also help, like it will with everything.


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