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President Gordon B. Hinckley said, "In His grand design, when God first created man, He created duality of the sexes. The ennobling expression of that duality is found in marriage. One individual is complementary to the other. As Paul stated, 'Neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord' (1 Corinthians 11:11). There is no other arrangement that meets the divine purposes of the Almighty. Man and woman are His creations. Their duality is His design. Their complementary relationships and functions are fundamental to His purposes. One is incomplete without the other."

I love the above quote from President Hinckley because I do believe that gender has a divine purpose and that we were either male or female in the premortal life. In The Family: A Proclamation to the World, it says that part of and the main part really of a man’s role is to provide, protect, and preside. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a house where my dad was a great example of this, and now that I am married, I see it so greatly in my husband. We just have different roles because of our gender, and sometimes it can be hard getting used to each other and what not, but we bring different strengths and weaknesses to our marriage that end up making it amazingly strong. My husband often travels for work and I can feel that void of a protector and presider. This has also strengthened my testimony that gender really is divine.

What is gender? Is it the same as sex?

Gender is considered either of the two sexes, male or female and especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. Sex has basically the same definition. So why is there both? This week in my Family Relations class, my professor said that in around the 1970’s, gender just became a more polite way of saying male or female, than the word sex.


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